Christo Norden-Powers has taught Stillness meditation techniques in Australia and overseas for 40 years to many thousands of people, including to executives and boards of major organisations, and to Olympic athletes. His primary mission is to enable people around the world to bring Stillness into everyday life.
He says: ' The path I've followed is best described as the path of Consciousness. Every spiritual tradition is founded on the process of raising individual consciousness to embrace a higher Consciousness. The small 's' self merges with the big 'S' Self. The many different paths all lead to that. The different philosophies and approaches to attaining higher Consciousness each have certain meditative practices that will take us back to the Self. The practices are the practical way to experience Consciousness in every part of life.'
Christo is a former trial lawyer, and corporate change consultant. Learnt NLP from John Grinder and is a reiki practitioner.
In the early 1970’s he met the great Siddha master Baba Muktananda from whom he received shaktipat initiation, which led to many extraordinary spiritual experiences, shifts in consciousness and deep insights.
Knowing that his main work in this life was to seamlessly integrate worldly and spiritual life, Christo began to experiment with application of the practices of Consciousness in his own work, first as a trial lawyer, then as a coach to Olympic athletes, and from the mid-1980s as a consultant to the corporate world with the purpose of shifting consciousness in organisations.
In 1990 he was also initiated into Kriya Yoga by the yoga master Yogi S V V Ramaih.
Christo continued to practice and apply the lessons and practices of those masters, and developed numerous ways to integrate the power of Stillness into everyday life through a combination of regular formal meditation and open awareness during daily activity.
He taught those principles and practices in plain language to audiences in specific training programs that he developed and delivered to organisations and individuals in Australia and overseas.
Deeply intuitive, and with a knack for effortlessly enabling people to connect to their inner Power, Christo now spends most of his time teaching the Practices of Stillness to audiences around the world.